We are convinced that ‘inbreiding’, or densifying within the existing borders of our cities, is the most sustainable and efficient way to respond to the current demand for housing in the Netherlands. By making use of existing networks and leaving natural areas untouched we stand a chance to create a truly future-proof built environment. 

Architecturally, these densifications only make sense when they are site specific. Our recently finalised social-housing tower ‘Haasje-over’ is a successful example: Going beyond the ‘anywhere’ regular housing tower it physically and mentally embraces the industrial characteristics of the famous Strijp-S area. All of this without becoming uninhabitable, rather the opposite. 

‘Haasje-over’ acknowledges and re-activates the micro-context. Accommodating a ‘somewhere’ for the vibrant and diverse urban community that started to inhabit the building this month. Welcome to Eindhoven!

Text by Don Murphy, Client: Trudo, Contractor: Stam de Koning, Photography: Marcel van der Burg See more here >>>

